The mission of the Jewish Federation of Peoria is to serve the Jewish people locally, in Israel, and throughout the world through coordinated fundraising, community-wide programming, social services, and social- cultural-educational activities.
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Do Good That Goes Everywhere

The 2023 Annual Campaign has begun and we need your help. With your support we have saved thousands of Ukrainians from the war in Ukraine, such as Mikhailo. You can listen to Tatyana’s story of going to Ukraine to rescue her father and bring her back to her home in Peoria, which would not have been possible without the help of JDC and YOU.

With your support we can bring Jews from Ethiopia to Israel, we can support victims of terror in Israel to rebuild their homes and their lives, we can support our seniors in a myriad of way, we can secure our Jewish community and make it safe place to be, we can educate future generations, we can continue to build a strong a vibrant Jewish community. With your help and support we can do all of this and much, much more. Please, make your donation today.

Updated: October 27, 2022 — 10:07 pm
Jewish Federation of Peoria © 2022
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