The mission of the Jewish Federation of Peoria is to serve the Jewish people locally, in Israel, and throughout the world through coordinated fundraising, community-wide programming, social services, and social- cultural-educational activities.
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The Peoria Holocaust Memorial

The Peoria Holocaust Memorial, located at the Peoria Riverfront Museum at 222 SW Washington St., Peoria IL , is a unique remembrance of the tragedy of the Holocaust. Six million buttons represent the Jews killed by the Nazi regime, and 5 million additional buttons symbolize the other “enemies of the state” murdered: homosexuals, Roma (Gypsies), Catholics, the disabled and many others.

But the goal of the Memorial is more than just a remembrance of the past; our education initiatives give students and adults the knowledge and tools to combat prejudice and hate wherever it occurs, so that not only do we never forget, but we ensure that never again will millions die due to intolerance and bigotry.

Click here for the Peoria Holocaust Memorial website.

Updated: February 8, 2024 — 9:25 pm
Jewish Federation of Peoria © 2022
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